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Gear Report
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(Base game + 14 expansions!)
Tradeskill Report
Dark Elf
L & L
32 Warden
"Visions of Vetrovia" Collections
No Category (4)
Akhet (2)
Altar of Malice (99)
Ant (3)
Artifacts (1)
Ballads of Zimara (68)
Beaks (1)
Beast'r Eggstravaganza (2)
Beastlord Epic (1)
Beetle (4)
Blood of Luclin (79)
Bone Fragment (24)
Brewday (3)
Bristlebane Day (2)
Butcherblock Mountains (3)
Butterfly (5)
Castle Mistmoore (3)
Cazic-Thule [Fabled] (6)
Chains of Eternity (37)
Chaos Descending (76)
Chronoportal Phenomenon (2)
Claws (4)
Cobalt Scar (16)
Coin (10)
Coins (1)
Crushbone Keep (3)
Darkpaw Rising (26)
Desert of Flames (2)
Destiny of Velious (89)
Ears (1)
Emblems (1)
Emperor's Athenaeum (3)
Erollisi Day (2)
Everfrost (2)
Expert Recognition (5)
Eyes (2)
Fabled (5)
Fabled Echoes of Faydwer (34)
Fabled Fallen Dynasty (35)
Fabled Kael Drakkel (15)
Fabled Kingdom of Sky (16)
Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering (34)
Faydwer Bones (3)
Feather (1)
Feathers (3)
Felwithe (3)
Frostfell (9)
Greater Faydark (3)
Guide Quest (7)
Heroes' Festival (7)
Hold of Prexus (6)
Hot Zones (1)
Immeasurable Menagerie (20)
Insect (16)
Insignias (1)
Jewelry (2)
Jubilee (1)
Kaladim (3)
Klak'Anon (3)
Kunark (32)
Kunark Ascending (85)
Kurn's Tower (4)
Lamps (3)
Lavastorm (8)
Leaf (5)
Leaves (1)
Lesser Faydark (3)
Live Events (27)
Loping Plains (3)
Mistmoore Catacombs (3)
Mixed (1)
Moppet (1)
Moth (4)
Mushroom (1)
Myths and Monoliths (16)
Nights of the Dead (14)
Oceansfull (4)
Orb (1)
Orbs (2)
Ore (1)
Pages (1)
Planes of Prophecy (89)
Plating (3)
Reign of Shadows (88)
Renewal of Ro (83)
Return to Guk (42)
Ruins of Varsoon [Fabled] (6)
Runnyeye: The Gathering (5)
Sand (1)
Scales (7)
Scars of Destruction (60)
Scorched Sky (3)
Scourge Keep (2)
Sentinel's Fate (49)
Shadow Odyssey (42)
Shadow Odyssey Collections (5)
Shard (12)
Shard of Love (8)
Shards (1)
Shattered Overture (15)
Shell (1)
Signature (10)
Silent City: The Delving Dead (5)
Siren's Grotto (11)
Solusek's Eye: the Calling (1)
Souls (1)
Spider (3)
Spines (1)
Steamfont Mountains (3)
Stones (1)
Tails (1)
Talons (1)
Tears of Veeshan (83)
Teeth (7)
Terrors of Thalumbra (67)
Test (1)
Tinkered (5)
Toes (2)
Tome (128)
Tradeskill (44)
Trinkets (2)
Unrest (2)
Vampire Fang (1)
Visions of Vetrovia (101)
Weird (1)
Wrappings (3)
Year of Darkpaw (61)
Zek, the Scourge Wastes (30)
Not Started
In Progress
Ancient Grave Objects (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Ancient Ritual Stones (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Book of Words, Forlorn Gist (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Book of Words, Karuupa Jungle (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Book of Words, Mahngavi Wastes (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Book of Words, Svarni Expanse (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Cannibal's Life For Me (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Caring for Your Cerberus (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Centaur Carvings (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Counterfeit Coins (125)
[ 0 / 18 ]
Dead Flora (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Deadly Curses (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Decorative Fabric Making (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Deino Dancing (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Deino Signs (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Discards of the Muramites (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Discount Trafficked Body Parts (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Dreadfell Cauldrons (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Dreadfell Pranks (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Dreadfell Tools of the Trade (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Empowered Runes, Forlorn Gist (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Empowered Runes, Karuupa Jungle (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Empowered Runes, Mahngavi Wastes (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Empowered Runes, Svarni Expanse (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Fog Samples (120)
[ 0 / 9 ]
Forlorn Clothing (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Forlorn Furniture (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Found in the Marsh (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Furdock and Friends Coins (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Furdock and Friends Contracts (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Furdock and Friends Paraphernalia (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Gargoyles 101 (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Gist Gravestone Rubbings (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Glintswift Broker Badges (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Glintswift Coins (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Glintswift Contracts (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Graverobber's Tools (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Hunting Trophies (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
In the Royal Chambers (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Jungle Bugs (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Jungle Flight Dangers (120)
[ 0 / 9 ]
Jungle Leaves (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kamapor Banners (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Kamapor Daily Life (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kamapor Tea Samples (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Karuupa Feathers (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kinnahma Farming (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kinnahma Jewelcrafting (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kinnahma Smithing (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kinnahma Weavings (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Kyv Fletching (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Kyv Tattooing (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Lexicon of Spaek (120)
[ 0 / 8 ]
Libant Leavings (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Library Discards (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Lost in the Fog (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Mad Scientist (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Many Uses for Bones (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
More Sights and Sounds (120)
[ 0 / 24 ]
More Trafficked Body Parts (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Mystmyr Crown Jewels (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Nihil Relics (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Nihilite Samples (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Noises in the Night (120)
[ 0 / 9 ]
Peaceful Pygmies (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Perils of Flight (120)
[ 0 / 4 ]
Perils of the Abysmal Sea (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Plundered Pirate Plunders (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Pygmy Markers (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Pygmy Weapons (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Remnants of the Trusik (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Sanguine Garden Plants (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Shady Supplier Keys (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Shipwrecked (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Sibling Rivalry (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Sights and Sounds of Vetrovia (120)
[ 0 / 24 ]
Sights of Svarni (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Stitchmen Stitches (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Stolen Dreadfell Hats (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Stolen Dreadfell Robes (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Stolen Dreadfell Shoes (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Stolen Dreadfell Weapons (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Stolen Glintswift Insignia (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
The Well-Dressed Libant (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Trafficked Body Parts (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Trusik Rune Stones (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Undead Reference Materials (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Unlikely Dreadfell Familiars (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Vacrul Paintings (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Very Spider-Like Leftovers (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Vetrovia Elementals (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Vetrovian Perceptions (120)
[ 0 / 15 ]
Visions of Vetrovia (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Warewolf Stock Items (125)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Water, Water, Everywhere (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Welcome to the Jungle (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Werewolf Regalia (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]
Witches' Windriders (120)
[ 0 / 9 ]
Witchy Wear (120)
[ 0 / 6 ]
Worship of the Undying (120)
[ 0 / 5 ]