Summer Breeze Outdoor Umbrella
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
After a hard day of adventuring, you may find it most relaxing to grab a nice mug of ale, pull and up a chair to relax in the shade of this Summer Breeze Umbrella.
Created by Jerry Dechant HEIRLOOM NO-VALUE
Summer Breeze Outdoor Recliner
This item may be placed on the floor of all house types.
Enjoy the outdoors, feeling the summer breeze flow over you while you're relaxing in this comfortable Summer Breeze Recliner.
Created by Jerry Dechant HEIRLOOM NO-VALUE
Whirling Blades III (Ancient)
Grants the assassin a chance to strike for an additional attack with each successful melee hit and increases offensive combat skills, at the cost of decreased defense. This is the assassin's primary offensive stance.
0.5 seconds
0.5 seconds
0 seconds
43200 seconds
• Increases Fervor of caster by 1.9.
• Decreases Defense of caster by 13.5.
• Increases Slashing, Piercing, Ranged and Crushing of caster by 40.9.
• On a melee hit this spell may cast Swipe on target of attack. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 236 - 393 melee damage on target
Item Discoveries |
Victoryana was first to discover 3 items* on their server**.
*NOTE: Characters are credited for an item discovery if they were the first to discover it on their server. A world discovery (which displays a trophy) is if they were the first to discover it on ALL servers. Please view the Item Details page for any item to see historical item discovery pages for retired servers. Unfortunately we do not have item discovery data for the 2011 round of server merges (Everfrost, Permafrost, etc.).