EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there!
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Magnitude II on caster. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.0.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Magnitude II on caster. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.0.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• You may only benefit from one effect of this type.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Turquoise, Yellow, Yellow, White
Dragon-Touched Wand of Philosophy
100 Stamina
100 Primary Attributes
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
5.9 Crit Bonus
12.9 Casting Speed
16.3 Reuse Speed
Infused Stats:
Spell Autoattack Weapon (Focus)
198 - 1,122
(165 Rating)
8.0 seconds
0 - 35 meters
All Mages, All Priests
Tactical Advance II
When Equipped:
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Tactical Advance II on caster. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 110.0.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Tactical Advance II on caster. Lasts for 8.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 110.0.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Turquoise, Yellow, Yellow, White
Almsgiven Buckler of Draconic Awe
100 Stamina
100 Primary Attributes
31 Combat Skills
12.9 Casting Speed
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
5.9 Crit Bonus
16.3 Reuse Speed
Infused Stats:
Buckler (Shield)
All Priests, Berserker, Guardian, Paladin, Shadowknight
Restorative Counter III
When Equipped:
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On a critical healing spell cast this spell may cast Restorative Counter III on target of spell cast. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• When any damage is received this spell will cast Restorative Counter III on target.
• Heals target for 1,777.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• Grants a total of 5 triggers of the spell.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• You may only benefit from one effect of this type.
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Magnitude III on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 50.0.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.5.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Magnitude III on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 50.0.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.5.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• You may only benefit from one effect of this type.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Yellow, White
Idyllic Belt of the Fallen Drakinvess
The writings along this belt tell of a hero among the commoners of the Covenant District who led a failed defense of the city against the invading Maligonians.
96 Stamina
96 Primary Attributes
6.3 Crit Chance
9.8 Potency
5.7 Crit Bonus
15.4 Reuse Speed
347 Ability Mod
Infused Stats:
Steady Pulse III
When Equipped:
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Steady Pulse III on target of spell cast. Lasts for 16.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Heals target for 1,990 - 2,200 instantly and every 2 seconds.