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Increases AGI, INT, STA, STR and WIS of target by 30.3. Increases Power Regen of target by 207.9.
Zhaunil's Stud of Ideology
Zhaunil ordered his captors pierced with such studs to proclaim their successful conversion to his teachings and to prove their unquestionable obedience.
100 Stamina
100 Primary Attributes
1,728 Resistances
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
5.9 Crit Bonus
16.5 Multi Attack
369 Ability Mod
Infused Stats:
Magnitude III
When Equipped:
•This effect will not stack with any rank or tier of itself.
• On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Magnitude III on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 50.0.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.5.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Magnitude III on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Increases AGI, INT, STR and WIS of caster by 50.0.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 11.5.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• You may only benefit from one effect of this type.
Increases STA and STR of target by 84.7. Gives target an extra 1.0% mitigation to their worn armor. Target will Dodge 3.0% of incoming attacks. Increases Health Regen of target by 247.8.
This oddly-shaped circular piece of jewelry - possibly a ring - may or may not have been imported into Tozzkalem.
100 Stamina
100 Primary Attributes
1,728 Resistances
12.9 Casting Speed
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
5.9 Crit Bonus
369 Ability Mod
Infused Stats:
Velium Flames II
When Equipped:
•If adorned on the same item, this effect will not stack with itself.
• On a critical combat hit this spell may cast Velium Flames II on target of attack. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 4,610 - 5,095 heat damage on target.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On a critical spell hit this spell may cast Velium Flames II on target of spell. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 4,610 - 5,095 heat damage on target.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Turquoise, Yellow, Yellow, White, Green
Oiled Bracelet of Discipline
64 Primary Attributes
64 Stamina
517 Resistances
23 Combat Skills
1.4 Crit Bonus
3.8 Crit Chance
6.2 Potency
8.8 Haste
9.6 Multi Attack
Infused Stats:
Critical Perfection IX
When Equipped:
• On a critical combat hit this spell may cast Critical Perfection IX on target of attack. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Decreases Crit Bonus of target by 2.0.
• Decreases Crit Chance of target by 2.0.
• Increases Crit Chance of caster by 10.0.
• Increases Crit Bonus of caster by 10.0.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On a critical spell hit this spell may cast Critical Perfection IX on target of spell. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• On a critical combat hit this spell may cast Martial Vulnerability IX on target of attack. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Decreases Mitigation of target vs physical damage by 1,880.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• On a critical spell hit this spell may cast Martial Vulnerability IX on target of spell. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Decreases Mitigation of target vs physical damage by 1,880.
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Turquoise, Green
Kolctin's Fossilized Bracer of Bones
A bracer of fossilized bones connected by some unknown source. It was found amongst the ruins of Kolctin Clutch's remains.
100 Stamina
100 Primary Attributes
1,728 Resistances
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
5.9 Crit Bonus
16.3 Reuse Speed
369 Ability Mod
Infused Stats:
Phantasmal Siphon II
When Equipped:
•If adorned on the same item, this effect will not stack with itself.
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Phantasmal Siphon II on target of attack. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 2,369 - 2,618 poison damage on target
• Heals caster for 1,185 - 1,309
• Must not be engaged in pvp combat
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
Adornment Slots:
White, Turquoise, Yellow, Yellow, White
Almgiven Tower Shield of Draconic Victory
100 Primary Attributes
100 Stamina
5.9 Crit Bonus
6.7 Crit Chance
10.2 Potency
6.7 Block Chance
16.5 Multi Attack
Infused Stats:
Tower Shield
Berserker, Guardian, Paladin, Shadowknight
Phantasmal Siphon III
When Equipped:
•If adorned on the same item, this effect will not stack with itself.
• On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Phantasmal Siphon III on target of attack. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
• Inflicts 2,369 - 2,618 poison damage on target
• Heals caster for 1,185 - 1,309
• Decreases Mitigation of target vs physical damage by 1,339.