350 / 350 AAs
Level 130 Fury
Level 130 Carpenter Health: 1,471,113,807
Out-of-Combat Regen: 58,844,579
Power: 10,787,609
Out-of-Combat Regen: 431,640
Run Speed: 165%
Status: 30,593,407
Strength: 204,932 Agility: 207,359 Intelligence: 213,982 Wisdom: 205,921 Stamina: 194,079
Elemental: 2,134,977 Noxious: 2,050,298 Arcane: 2,050,103
Mitigation (vs Physical): 47,577 Avoidance: 12,012
Uncontested Block: 0%
Block Chance: 59.6%
Crit Chance: 3,939% Crit Bonus: 28,051 Potency: 1,427,300 Fervor: 220% Resolve: 9,755 Ability Mod: 33,846,572 Hate Mod: 0% Reuse Speed: 70.1% Casting Speed: 126.2% Recovery Speed: 0% Spell Reuse Speed: 0% Spell Doublecast: 0% Ability Doublecast: 148.7%
PvP Stats
Toughness: 0
Attack Speed (Haste): 64 AOE Auto Attack: 0% Accuracy: 0% Strikethrough: 0% Multi Attack: 34 DPS Modifier: 247 Flurry: 60.1% Weapon Damage Bonus: 848.7 S Weapon Damage Bonus: 0 Not Equipped Not Equipped Not Equipped
Rare Harvest Chance: 7%
PvE Rankings
Kills: 227,809
Deaths: 743
Kills vs. Deaths: 306.6
Max Melee Hit: 939,023,969,451
Max Magic Hit: 2,564,720,974,122
7 Freedom Road
a large Maj'Dul residence
City of Mist Estate
Court of the Master
Deepwater Retreat
Dhalgar Precipice of the Deep Portal
Dimensional Pocket
Ethernere Enclave
Everfrost Portal
Fearful Retreat Portal
Gorowyn Heights Magical Manor
Isle of Refuge Prestige Home
Kromzek Portal
Lavastorm Portal
Library Portal
Magical Academy Housing
Maj'Dul Suite Portal
Mara Estate
Mistmoore Crags Estates
New Halas Magical Manor
Opera House Portal
Relic Tinker Prestige Home Portal
Researcher's Sanctum
Residence of the Blades Portal
Santa Glug's Cheerful Holiday Home
Secluded Sanctum Portal
Skyblade Skiff Launchpad
Sprocket's Interlocking Plane
Tenebrous Portal
Vale of Halfpint Delight
Ocarinah Fyc
Birthdate: 2010-03-17
Played: 1y 165d 7h 25m 46s
Server: Antonia Bayle
Race: Dark Elf
Deity: Karana
Home City:
Alignment: Evil
Guild Level: 167
Current Zone:
Quests Completed: 2,630
Collections Completed: 1192
Items Crafted: 139,105
Rare Harvests: 3,465
2025-02-08 12:04:44
Saved Beetny AA Specs
The Dragon's Armory