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Increases STR of target by 259.6. Increases STA of target by 334.4. Gives target an extra 1.5% mitigation to their worn armor. Increases Max Health of target by 10.0%. Increases Power Regen of target by 363.6.
Increases STR of target by 259.6. Increases STA of target by 334.4. Target will Dodge 1.5% of incoming attacks. Increases Crit Chance of target by 114.4. Increases Health Regen of target by 363.6.
Baastian, eldest child of Stifftail and Belle Smoothcoat, left the family home to make his own way in the dangerous world of Norrath. As he travels the world, he admits that he has met many a strange fellow, but really enjoys the company of one half elf female that is actually tougher than he (Kiya). Of course,he could not fail to mention the Elf Healer named Alexie (Lex), a Barbarian Pirate named Flashie (a bit of a lightfoot, perhaps?) and a group of unforgettable Ratongas. Ah, Norrath.