Student Mikyal is looking to collect artifacts from the shores of the Lake of Ill Omen. He believes that some of the Terens might have picked up some of these types of trinkets while fishing or walking along the lake's edge. He's asked me to take a letter of request to someone named Huweld Vekshire in Omen's Call, and see if he can broker a deal to acquire any trinkets they may have found.
Shareable (Complete)
I must deliver Mikyal's note to Huweld Vekshire of Omen's Call.
I should deliver Mikyal's Note to Huweld Vekshire. (in Fens of Nathsar)
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.