This is the first step in understanding fae society. Lady Katri Eloranta, a fae advisor, is giving me lessons similar to those of fae who are on their Rite of Passage.
Shareable (Complete)
My first task is understanding combat and self-defense.
Lady Katri told me to go to the library to learn more about self-defense. (in Greater Faydark)
I should speak to the defense trainer, Bark Chiselchin. (in Greater Faydark)
I need to tell Lady Katri Eloranta that I've successfully completed my self-defense training.
Lady Katri Eloranta, the Fae Rite of Passage advisor, is on the platform near the Old Kelethin Acorn Lift. (in Greater Faydark)
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.