Mashara Tiogran has asked for my help scouting out strategic areas. I am to use the beacon she gave me near the locations she mentioned so she can reference the points to those on her map.
Shareable (Complete)
I must examine the beacon given to me by Mashara Tiogran and set beacons at the locations she specified.
I must set a beacon near Murdunk's Fall. (in The Feerrott)
I must set a beacon near the Druid Rings. (in The Feerrott)
I must set a beacon near the Tower of Vul. (in The Feerrott)
I must set a beacon near the Sentinel Stones. (in The Feerrott)
I must set a beacon near the Golgoth Bridge. (in The Feerrott)
I must set a beacon near the Ogre Guard Tower. (in The Feerrott)
I need to return to Mashara to let her know I dropped the beacons.
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.