I must lay to rest the spirits of Al'tuur the Handyman and Researcher Jal'Dea. They have been haunting Spirit's Resonance for quite some time and deserve a measure of peace.
Shareable (Complete)
I must slay Al'tuur the Handyman and Researcher Jal'Dea so that their spirits may rest in peace.
I must kill Al'tuur the Handyman. (in Spirit's Resonance)
I must kill Researcher Jal'Dea's Restless Spirit. (in Spirit's Resonance)
I must return to Hafiz in Paineel. Hafiz is near the entrance to The Hole.
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.