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Тай Фун of Harla Dar
Ну мы типо пвп 35 , хе...
Guild XP:
23 (18 accounts)

We have a hardcore play style.


We're very funny (in our opinion)

We're serious folks

The inmates are running the asylum
We are seeking Fighters, Priests, Scouts, Mages, Crafters of at least level 1.
We also offer training to new players.
Ну мы вОоОбще пвп на 30 лвл
ГХ Имеется!

This guild doesn't currently have
a guild heraldry design.

Once you've decided on a style, seek out a Guild Cloak Designer NPC in your home city.

Rank Name Adventure (Level) Tradeskill (Level) Joined Status
Аййа Ranger (35) Woodworker (90) 2010-11-26 06:47:15 485,440
Саднам Warden (13) Artisan (3) 2012-09-08 07:19:04 0
Шершавий Shadowknight (38) Alchemist (66) 2010-12-03 21:08:02 633,728
Вирданди Inquisitor (38) Sage (40) 2010-12-18 21:07:41 184,380
Пепелатс Illusionist (38) Weaponsmith (35) 2011-03-30 04:57:12 84,260
Эйяфьядлаекюдль Ranger (78) Jeweler (38) 2011-03-26 15:58:15 326,631
Грации Troubador (23) Armorer (27) 2011-10-22 08:39:30 3,168
Байрэн Brigand (38) Armorer (40) 2011-09-25 01:06:55 84,610
Люциос Warlock (35) Tailor (38) 2011-01-08 20:56:50 5,921
Тикон Warden (35) Sage (35) 2011-01-08 20:56:28 13,838
Амио Warden (35) Artisan (3) 2010-12-22 07:26:44 807
Сабрыч Warlock (73) Unskilled (1) 2011-09-29 16:50:05 6,488
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