Rank | Items Crafted | Character | Guild | Level | Class | Race |
1 | 276,425 | Agelessly | Valiant Knights | 86 | Monk | Gnome |
2 | 262,910 | Ryley | Dragon Scale | 36 | Monk | Fae |
3 | 255,061 | Zaneria | Celts | 88 | Wizard | High Elf |
4 | 176,078 | Dimtree | Heroes of Test | 125 | Shadowknight | Ogre |
5 | 162,575 | Cust | Heroes of Test | 11 | Ranger | Half Elf |
6 | 162,069 | Mitysaven | Valiant Knights | 52 | Necromancer | Gnome |
7 | 146,765 | Neverrest | Swords of Destiny | 84 | Monk | Fae |
8 | 143,621 | Edaak | Abhayam | 125 | Illusionist | Ogre |
9 | 142,650 | Kasa | Dragon Scale | 130 | Swashbuckler | Half Elf |
10 | 129,193 | Foiwom | Heroes of Test | 130 | Warden | Aerakyn |
11 | 128,641 | Phuz | Hamsters Passing Pinecones | 80 | Warden | Half Elf |
12 | 112,721 | Omaya | Valiant Knights | 92 | Bruiser | Half Elf |
13 | 110,117 | Starrynite | Heroes of Test | 84 | Wizard | Fae |
14 | 106,746 | Ittsie | Fhir Rhuen | 49 | Inquisitor | Gnome |
15 | 104,841 | Maladies | Heroes of Test | 68 | Warlock | Ratonga |
16 | 103,410 | Dakaji | Asylum | 43 | Paladin | Arasai |
17 | 102,182 | Maladious | Valiant Knights | 90 | Defiler | Kerran |
18 | 97,366 | Kuula | Heroes of Test | 125 | Warden | Halfling |
19 | 93,758 | Epide | Dragon Scale | 125 | Warden | Half Elf |
20 | 80,853 | Purrfect | Wild Things | 90 | Monk | Kerran |
21 | 76,160 | Rhyaa | Foolish Pleasures | 69 | Troubador | Wood Elf |
22 | 74,552 | Ecaihia | Spirit of the Wolf | 110 | Troubador | Half Elf |
23 | 73,949 | Keystrad | Dingalings | 125 | Swashbuckler | Wood Elf |
24 | 73,100 | Zogasctik | Dragon Scale | 80 | Inquisitor | Troll |
25 | 72,602 | Santi | Lunar Toons | 96 | Bruiser | Dark Elf |
26 | 69,444 | Shaalu | Tribe of the Lion and the Lamb | 38 | Ranger | Human |
27 | 67,376 | Quacken | Spirit of the Wolf | 120 | Dirge | Wood Elf |
28 | 67,207 | Abomination | Dingalings | 125 | Warlock | Arasai |
29 | 66,956 | Straytu | Tribe of the Lion and the Lamb | 25 | Ranger | Kerran |
30 | 63,294 | Saeria | Valiant Knights | 92 | Ranger | Wood Elf |
31 | 63,214 | Dephal | Dragon Scale | 111 | Monk | Kerran |
32 | 63,083 | Mdowel | The Motley crew | 120 | Coercer | Arasai |
33 | 60,858 | Gnave | Spirit of the Wolf | 100 | Ranger | Human |
34 | 59,233 | Ulysseus | Heroes of Test | 125 | Bruiser | Barbarian |
35 | 59,037 | Nyarro | Midwinter Knights | 125 | Bruiser | Ratonga |
36 | 57,389 | Gossamer | Foolish Pleasures | 73 | Defiler | Erudite |
37 | 57,025 | Sinarrh | Foolish Pleasures | 32 | Shadowknight | Sarnak |
38 | 54,676 | Roxie | Winds of Change | 33 | Swashbuckler | Half Elf |
39 | 53,022 | Kardon | Dingalings | 90 | Warlock | Half Elf |
40 | 53,009 | Woodsy | The Experiment | 38 | Ranger | Wood Elf |
41 | 51,297 | Realgar | Valiant Knights | 82 | Swashbuckler | Half Elf |
42 | 50,634 | Poisonmouse | Heroes of Test | 120 | Assassin | Ratonga |
43 | 50,536 | Holman | The Baubbleshire Taphouse | 32 | Templar | Halfling |
44 | 50,360 | Alkhadir | 47 | Assassin | Human | |
45 | 49,609 | Tech | Vallhalla | 110 | Monk | Human |
46 | 48,945 | Jaraxle | Valiant Knights | 100 | Inquisitor | Dark Elf |
47 | 48,567 | Maximous | Orphans by Choice | 22 | Dirge | Freeblood |
48 | 48,523 | Remik | Abhayam | 130 | Monk | Ratonga |
49 | 48,387 | Lilpaw | Midwinter Knights | 95 | Beastlord | Ratonga |
50 | 47,811 | Yrek | Heroes of Test | 50 | Bruiser | Troll |
51 | 47,793 | Purrverse | Wild Things | 90 | Troubador | Kerran |
52 | 47,681 | Tamari | Fhir Rhuen | 80 | Guardian | High Elf |
53 | 47,085 | Aliea | Northern lights | 57 | Guardian | Wood Elf |
54 | 46,472 | Jennie | The Eternal Flame | 100 | Assassin | Human |
55 | 46,182 | Deefile | Valiant Knights | 125 | Defiler | Dark Elf |
56 | 45,811 | Daktu | Triad of the Elders | 56 | Templar | Dwarf |
57 | 45,202 | Kumu | Akua | 90 | Mystic | Kerran |
58 | 45,137 | Tindon | Tempora Knights | 110 | Berserker | Barbarian |
59 | 44,952 | Haralde | Heroes of Test | 130 | Ranger | Barbarian |
60 | 44,486 | Murgh | Foolish Pleasures | 85 | Ranger | Kerran |
61 | 42,707 | Katrien | Dragon Scale | 130 | Templar | High Elf |
62 | 41,592 | Koyianos | 110 | Berserker | Half Elf | |
63 | 41,392 | Emmery | 80 | Berserker | Human | |
64 | 40,782 | Taanis | This is a Test | 43 | Ranger | Half Elf |
65 | 40,750 | Reimatah | A Force of One Half | 15 | Troubador | Wood Elf |
66 | 40,164 | Brevity | Heroes of Test | 130 | Coercer | Half Elf |
67 | 40,030 | Callyope | Heroes of Test | 110 | Dirge | Halfling |
68 | 39,832 | Purrverted | Wild Things | 43 | Wizard | Kerran |
69 | 38,974 | Elana | Heroes of Test | 125 | Mystic | Half Elf |
70 | 38,006 | Blazen | Fabled | 30 | Bruiser | Dark Elf |
71 | 37,814 | Redback | 110 | Conjuror | Froglok | |
72 | 37,802 | Eekra | 125 | Dirge | Ratonga | |
73 | 37,800 | Wiskers | Asylum | 90 | Warden | Kerran |
74 | 37,557 | Yamase | Bellywhumper Brigade | 90 | Mystic | Iksar |
75 | 37,546 | Alyrii | Ultimate Slowness | 100 | Brigand | Freeblood |
76 | 37,390 | Gnoel | Good Grief | 16 | Troubador | Gnome |
77 | 37,353 | Targrun | Illusions | 35 | Fury | Kerran |
78 | 37,129 | Mewo | Dragon Scale | 125 | Dirge | Kerran |
79 | 36,906 | Leisa | R Escape | 37 | Beastlord | Arasai |
80 | 36,732 | Chelly | Asworded Nuts | 125 | Shadowknight | Barbarian |
81 | 35,419 | Ivydew | Heroes of Test | 78 | Troubador | Arasai |
82 | 35,418 | Prudence | Heroes of Test | 120 | Mystic | Wood Elf |
83 | 35,417 | Arron | Allusion | 27 | Inquisitor | Half Elf |
84 | 35,238 | Antyerel | 90 | Shadowknight | Wood Elf | |
85 | 34,887 | Bellini | Wild Things | 90 | Warlock | Kerran |
86 | 34,780 | Dafni | Friendsrus | 110 | Templar | High Elf |
87 | 34,679 | Loath | In Memoria Magdalena | 85 | Ranger | Dark Elf |
88 | 34,585 | Toralu | Test Specimens | 74 | Wizard | Ratonga |
89 | 34,345 | Deedlit | Echoes of Eternity | 95 | Warden | High Elf |
90 | 33,963 | Apaloosa | The Fighting Habaneros | 125 | Ranger | Ratonga |
91 | 33,381 | Jenniie | Heroes of Test | 23 | Troubador | Fae |
92 | 33,268 | Mimosi | Valiant Knights | 95 | Guardian | Froglok |
93 | 33,247 | Marthenell | Bastion of Light | 110 | Paladin | Froglok |
94 | 32,830 | Shahartali | Orphans by Choice | 22 | Paladin | Wood Elf |
95 | 32,431 | Saely | Guinea Piglets | 75 | Conjuror | Wood Elf |
96 | 32,271 | Rangelika | Spirit of the Wolf | 111 | Ranger | Halfling |
97 | 31,917 | Laetiporus | Retro Raiders | 93 | Fury | Gnome |
98 | 31,857 | Jeaniefae | Lunar Toons | 32 | Illusionist | Fae |
99 | 31,824 | Katlen | Maleko Scientific | 100 | Necromancer | Half Elf |
100 | 31,159 | Zemoiji | Nepeta Cataria | 60 | Templar | Half Elf |