Ethereal Mastery
When Equipped:
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Heightened Ability on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
• Increases Ability Mod of caster by 250,000.0.
• Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 20.0 - 30.0 seconds.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• On a healing spell cast this spell will cast Overflow on target of spell cast. Lasts for 12.0 seconds.
• Increases Fervor of target by 4.5.
• Increases based off of the tier of the triggering heal.
• If target is not a Priest.
• 20% chance to cancel when target casts a hostile spell
• 20% chance to cancel when target casts a combat art
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 30.0 - 45.0 seconds.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Grants a 5% chance to instantly recast any offensive Combat Art or Spell used.
• Applies Planar Pet Mastery to qualifying pets.
• Increases the damage and healing of pet Spell and Combat Arts by 15.
• Channel will increase the groups fervor and fervor overcap by 50.
• Increases the damage and healing of Aria of Magic by 30.
• Increases effectiveness of Dispatch by 100.
• Tenacity and Virtue will increases the damage and healing of the targets Combat Arts by 10.
• Adds a large ward to Vector of Life.
• Increases the damage and healing of Fusion by 150.
• Gift of Bertoxxulous and Surge of Ro will increase the casters crit bonus overcap by 50.
• Tendrils of Horror and Ancestral Avatar will increase the Ability Doublecast of Scouts and Fighters by 3.5.
• Removes the attack speed and movement speed reduction of Torpor.
• Adds a physical, arcane, and noxious ward component to Ward of the Untamed.
• Increases the damage and healing of Curse of Darkness by 120.
• Savage Ruin will now affect the beastlords group.
• Consumption and Sacrifice will grant 50 fervor to the casters pet.
• Avoid Blame and Befuddle will increase the ability doublecast of caster by 10.
• Increases the damage and healing of Sniper Shot by 100.
• Cacophony of Blades will increase the damage and healing of casters group or raid by 5.
• Aria of Magic will now trigger from combat arts.
• Lay on Hands will grant fervor to the group.
• Increases the damage and healing of all abilities by 8.
• Increases the damage and healing of profession Spell and Combat Arts by 15.
• Pledge of Armament will increase the damage and healing of figher profession Abilities.
• Rescue will increase the casters Ability Doublecast by 25 for 10 seconds.
• Increases the damage and healing of Savage Assault by 60 and adds 4 strikes.
• Prismatic Chaos will now affect the targets group and increases the trigger count by 6.
• Increases the damage and healing of Assassinate by 100.
• Increases the damage and healing of profession Spell and Combat Arts by 15.
• Honed Reflexes will grant the caster 10 Fervor.
• Peerless Predator and Warden of the Forest will increase the damage and healing of Spell and Combat Arts by 15.
• Increases the heal effect on Mark of Nobility and increase the target's ability modifier.
• Decreases base reuse time of Spiritual Circle to 70 seconds.
• Increases the damage and healing of Savage by 45.
• Increases the damage and healing of profession Spell and Combat Arts by 12.
• Torpor will grant Weapon Damage Bonus and Weapon Damage Bonus Overcap to the target.
• Dragon Rage and Manhandle will grant 50 Crit Bonus Overcap to the caster.
• Slot 2 advantages will increase the Crit Bonus Overcap of Caster by 50.
• Increases the damage and healing of Blade Chime by 100.
• Outward Calm will now ward the group and is not affected by bleedthrough.
• Focused Offensive will increases the crit bonus overcap of caster by 100.
• Crusade and Unholy Strength will increase raids ability doublecast by 3.5.
• Adds damage to all hate and hate position abilities.
• Removes the negative effects of Juggernaut.
• Cacophony of Blades and Perfection of the Maestro will grant 35 Crit Bonus Overcap to the group.
• Synergism and Peaceful Link will increase ability doublecast of target by 5.5.
• Increases base duration of Blighted Horde to 12 seconds.
• Increases the damage and healing of Spell and Combat Arts of caster by 7.5.
• Tenacity and Virtue will increases the targets Weapon Damage Bonus Overcap by 50.
• Tendrils of Horror and Ancestral Avatar will increase the Crit Bonus OverCap cast of Mages by 35.
• Sniper Shot will apply Snipe Armor, a short duration combat mitigation debuff.
• Tenacity and Virtue will increases the targets Weapon Damage Bonus by 100.
• Removes the mitigation reduction of Pledge of Armament.
• Increases the auto-attack multiplier of Focused Offensive.
• Juggernaut will grant crit bonus overcap.
• Lay on hands will now heal the Paladin's group.
• Juggernaut will now affect the entire group.
• Slot 2 advantages will increase the Crit Bonus Overcap of Caster's group by 50.
• Decreases the base reuse speed of Dispatch by 30 seconds.
• Assassinate has a 50% chance of clearing the reuse of Assassinate. This effect may trigger up to 4 times on a single Assassination chain.
• Decreases the construct health reduction of Siphoned Protection to 5%.
• Increase the strikes of Flurry of Blades or Spinning Flurry and adds a debuff that increases all damage done to the target.
• Convert Ally will heal the group, heal for an increased amount, and adds an auto-attack multiplier buff.
• Shrine of the Ancients will grant Ability Modifier to the casters raid.
• Spiritual Circle will now summon a Shrine of the Ancients which cannot be damaged by enemies.
• Removes the trigger limit and increases the damage of Fae Fire.
• Increases the damage of Blazing Avatar and removes its trigger limit.
• Decreases the damage the construct takes from interpose abilities by 10%.
• Torpor will heal and ward for an increased amount.
• Increases the ward amount of Outward Calm.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means