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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Illegible Scroll: Oblivion Link (Adept)
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Aurelian Coast
Va Din Ra
Aurelian Coast: Maiden's Eye [Heroic]
The Shadow Overlord
Aurelian Coast: Maiden's Eye [Solo]
The Shadow Overlord
Xylox the Poisonous
Aurelian Coast: Reishi Rumble [Solo]
Ropscion Mindeye
Aurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Heroic]
Ercel Bloodpaw
Grugnop, the Guard
Ryryrd of the Wind
Aurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Solo]
Ercel Bloodpaw
Grrrunk the Trunk
Awuidor: The Nebulous Deep [Heroic]
Aegaeon, the Violent
Awuidor: The Nebulous Deep [Solo]
Glaucos of the Sink
Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Expert Event]
Champion of the Veiled One
Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Expert]
Spikesnot the Gall
Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Heroic]
Firemonger Rosnarga
Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Expert]
Morgelon, the Wilder
Eryslai: The Midnight Aerie [Solo]
Prosperon the Tempest
Eryslai: Trials of Air [Expert Event]
Kamara Zar
Fabled Runnyeye: The Gathering [Solo]
Boarkeeper Malleg
Snok Eyegouger
Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Heroic]
Trade Baroness Elsindir
Fordel Midst: Wayward Manor [Heroic]
The Deadly Dapperling
Tog Voil
Fordel Midst: Wayward Manor [Solo]
The Deadly Dapperling
Tog Voil
Sanctus Seru: Arx Aeturnus [Event Heroic]
Archon of Death
Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity [Heroic]
Grand Cruciator Typhenon
Prysmerah, Arx Patrona
Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity [Solo]
Lord Triskian Seru
Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Order [Solo]
Lady Warglave
Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic]
Dread Lady Vezarra
The Iron Widow
The Blinding
Shik'Nar Attendant
The Vault of Ssraeshza [Solo]
Nev Dax'Thall
The Venom of Ssraeshza [Event Heroic]
The Venom of Ssraeshza [Solo]
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands
Telrisa, of the Trees
Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Warlord Gintolaken
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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