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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
kinked clockwork key
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Court of Innovation
a heavy metal menacer
a klakdroid fortress guardian
a klakdyne alpha magus
a klakdyne gearknight
a klakdyne omega magus
a mechnamagica interceptor
a mechnamagica seeker-destroyer
Court Guardian Chromtok
King Klak'Anon the Mechnamaximus
a clockwork assembler
a clockwork engineer
a clockwork heavy toiler
a clockwork lab technician
a clockwork machinist
a clockwork mechanic
a clockwork metalsmith
a clockwork ore smasher
a clockwork proletarian
a clockwork repairer
a clockwork service drone
a heavy metal decimator
a klakdroid sentinel
a klakdroid tunnel guard
a klakdroid waterwork sentinel
a klakdyne eliminator DCCC
a klakdyne eliminator M
a malfunctioning Bibliotecha 1000
a mechnamagica assault drone
a mechnamagica battle drone
a mechnamagica battler
a mechnamagica hunter-seeker
an activated clockwork worker
an activated klakdroid
an activated klakdyne
Bloodscrew the Surgeon
Clockwork Administrator Shadowbolt
Factory Overseer Klankbolt
Waterwork Operator Malscrew
The Mines of Meldrath
a security drone
an alert ore hauler
an ore extractor
Triad of Elements [Solo]
a necro-drone infiltrator
a necrobot sentinel
a necrocharged clockwork enforcer
a necrocharged clockwork protector
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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