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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Jasper Amulet
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
A Stranger's Home
a Bloodsaber silencer
a Deathfist marauder
a Necrosis auger
a Necrosis shrew
a Sabertooth tormentor
Advisor Pandrus
Holly Windstalker
Sentry Crawln
Sentry Oates
Big Bend: Sanctum of Spirits
a crazed ogre
Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold
a Bloodskull fanatic
a Bloodskull herald
a Bloodskull inner guard
a Bloodskull mender
a Bloodskull protector
a Bloodskull savage
a Bloodskull soldier
a Bloodskull warlock
a Bloodskull witch
a select Bloodskull high guard
a select Bloodskull zealot
an elect Bloodskull heratic
an elect Bloodskull heretic
an elite Bloodskull fanatic
an elite Bloodskull soldier
Legioneer Gorlak
Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site
a troglodyte berserker
a troglodyte chosen
a young troglodyte
Blumble's Halfling Hole
a pirate guard
a treasure sorter
an intoxicated pirate
Buccaneers' Hideout
Butcherblock Mountains
a Haoaeran advancer
a Haoaeran emissary
a Haoaeran lightchanter
a Kragploom chick
a Kragploom scavenger
a Krulkiel grunt
a Krulkiel scout
a Krulkiel tracker
a Yarpsnarl lookout
a Yarpsnarl mystic
a Yarpsnarl ravager
a Yarpsnarl whelp
an aqua goblin
an aqua goblin mystic
an aqua goblin runt
an aqua goblin wizard
Castleview Hamlet: Cloister of Purity
a Renda'Dal Guardian
Chamber of the Unavailing
Grand Master V'thal
Crushbone Keep
a cleric of Hate
a Crushbone centurion
a Crushbone emissary
a Crushbone legionnaire
a Crushbone thaumaturgist
a Crushbone torturer
a Crushbone watchman
a D'Vinnian dragoon
a D'Vinnian sorcerer
a Dreadguard knight
a Dreadguard observer
an extractor of truth
an oracle of Hate
Crushbone: The Wracked
a Crushbone legionnaire
Edgewater Drains
a garbage grinder
a Murkwater fanatic
a Murkwater henchman
a Murkwater onlooker
a Murkwater veteran
a Murkwater vigilant
Fallen Gate
a blighted bouncer
a blighted denizen
a blighted outcast
a blighted patron
a blighted savage
a blighted shopkeeper
a blighted trader
a blighted warlord
a blighted warmonger
a circle keeper
a fallen explorer
a ghostly apprentice
a hungry feaster
a meat stripper
a mindless corpse
a mindless invader
a reaver of Tseralith
a servitor of Tseralith
a Thexian captain
a Thexian diviner
a Thexian dragoon
a Thexian excavator
a Thexian explorer
a Thexian overseer
a Thexian prisoner
a thrall of Byzola
a tormented armorsmith
a tormented assassin
a tormented attendant
a tormented dragoon
a tormented taskmaster
a tortured invader
a tortured raider
a tortured ranger
a tortured toiler
an anguished feaster
an anguished glutton
an inquisitor of Tseralith
an unfortunate explorer
Chieftain Merzog
Commander Dvin L'Crit
Drekak the Spinebreaker
Gurmoz the Hungry
Lord Ak`Tarnis
Outfitter Thrack
Priest of Byzola
Priest of Dymetreax
Steelworker Blargg
Zithix D'Sarn
Garanel's resting place
the ghost of Garanel Rucksif
Gobblerock's Hideout
a Gobblerock butcher
a Gobblerock grunt
a Gobblerock haruspex
a Gobblerock trickster
Greater Faydark
a Crushbone centurion
a Crushbone trainer
Heroic: A Pirate's Hidden Stash
a pirate guard
Longshadow Alley: Daeneth Cloister
a loyal worshiper
Nektulos Forest
a decaying flesh being
a Dragoon lieutenant
a Dragoon sentinel
a Dragoon sentry
a guardian mist grinnin
a Gul'Thex cleric
a Gul'Thex lieutenant
a Gul'Thex ravager
a high elf planetologist
a knight of the beacon
a mist grinnin
a mist grinnin savage
a Nerius bandit
a Nerius Commander
a Nerius dockhand
a Nerius foreman
a Nerius marauder
a Nerius pirate
a Nerius Pirate Captain
a Nerius scoundrel
a Nerius seer
a Nerius vandal
a Nightfall giant
a ravenous ghoul
a rotting follower of Grelkor
a scavenging ghoul
a scrounging ghoul
a shadowed man
a shambling flesh being
a supply vigilante
a thexian searcher
a Thexian Vin chosen
a Thexian Vin guard
a wood elf scout
an ashland wisp
an Asilian diviner
an Ebon Mask assassin
Warlord T'Velk
Portal to the Past: Qeynos Hills
Fippy Darkpaw
gnoll hunter
gnoll scout
gnoll watcher
Starcrest Commune: Shattered Sanctum
a ghastly specter
a crazed ghoul
a defiled acolyte
a defiled cavalier
a defiled crusader
a defiled jailor
a defiled knight
a defiled locksmith
a defiled storm lord
a defiled torrent
a fanatic inquisitor
a feign zombie
a ghoul
a ghoul canite
a Gydak elite
a Gydak minion
a sealed strongbox
a skeleton archer
a tunneling zombie
a zombie handmaiden
a zombie knight
Blacksmith Brigg
Defiled Lord Steingrove
Lord Androus
The Orator
The Baubbleshire: Vale's Shadow
an invading lamia
an invading lamia castigator
an invading nightblood
The City of Freeport
a dissenting citizen
The Commonlands
a Dervish thaumaturge
a fallen champion
a Qeynosian protector
a thrashing spirit
Commander Ralio
The Condemned Catacomb
a brittle bones
a Necrosis conscript
a Necrosis crone
a Necrosis guard
a Necrosis shrew
a Necrosis thaumaturge
The Cove of Decay
a barnacle covered skeleton
a decayed corsair
a flesh corrupter
a ravaged storm caller
a rotting corsair
The Cove of Decay: A Treaty for Treasure
a Bloodsaber diver
a Bloodsaber elite guard
a Bloodsaber guard
a Bloodsaber laborer
a Bloodsaber medic
a Bloodsaber surveyor
The Crypt of Betrayal
a Bloodsaber assassin
a Bloodsaber highguard
a Bloodsaber inquisitor
a Bloodsaber medic
a Bloodsaber ritualist
a Bloodsaber ruffian
a Bloodsaber sentinel
a crypt tempest
a diseased corpse
a restless corpse
a tortured essence
an agonized essence
an ire minion
an ire warlock
The Crypt of Betrayal: Vile Ceremony
a Bloodsaber assassin
a Bloodsaber highguard
The Crypt of T'haen
a bloodless thrall
a Bloodsworn backbiter
a Bloodsworn champion
a Bloodsworn confessor
a Bloodsworn soldier
The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight
a bloodless thrall
a Bloodsworn backbiter
The Eternal Gorge
a deathrot
a fleshrot
Death Marrow
Decaying Slough
The Firemyst Gully
a scathe bishop
a scathe harbinger
The Graveyard
a ravenous skeleton
a restless Sentry of Passion
The Murkwater Nook
a Murkwater thief
The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget
a starving dervish footpad
a weakened dervish footpad
a wounded Rujarkian spiritist
Captain Jihannum
The Roekillik Excavation
Adjutant Sliepal
orcish mercenary
Reverent Controller
The Ruins of Varsoon
a servant of Varsoon
a Varsoon alchemist
a Varsoon guard
The Sepulcher of Jahnda
Ronicus the Red
The Serpent Sewer
a crazed mender
a Murkwater abettor
a Murkwater induct
a Murkwater steward
The Serpent's Lair
a crazed Gnome builder
a Murkwater thief
The Thundering Steppes
a Bloodtooth forestrunner
a creeping dead
a disturbed corpse
a drowned trooper
a fallen giant
a fallen goliath
a Firerock giant
a Firerock goliath
a Firerock scout
a ghostly farmer
a pirate
a Rallosian ghost
a revenant soldier
a roaming dead
a roekillik excavator
a Sabertooth diviner
a Sabertooth harvester
a Sabertooth hunter
a Sabertooth lookout
a Sabertooth looter
a Sabertooth scout
a Sabertooth soothsayer
a Sabertooth spotter
a Sabertooth tower guard
a Sabertooth warrior
a Sea-swept Farmer
a skeletal footsoldier
a skeletal protector
a skeletal trooper
a skeletal veteran
a Skindancer defiler
a Skindancer knight
a Skindancer legionnaire
a Skindancer seer
a Skindancer sentry
a Steelhoof hunter
a Steelhoof invader
a Steelhoof marauder
a Steelhoof mystic
a Steelhoof pariah
a Steelhoof seer
a Varsoon apprentice
a wandering dead
an alluring siren
an Amazon archer
an Amazon sharpshooter
an entrancing siren
an undead caretaker
an undead explorer
an undead farmer
an Undead Overseer
an undead settler
an undead worker
an unearthed settler
an unearthed villager
Braegana the Gailspear
Drinna the Pirate
The Tomb of Valor
a restless stormlord
The Vault of the Fallen
Dragoon N'Xry
Hand of Tseralith
Keeper of the Chamber
The Witches' Cove
a vile witchdoctor
Timorous Deep
a Haoaeran venturer
Assault Captain Frazykyr
Valley of the Rogue Magi
Magus Geofry Marus
Vermin's Snye
Ayamia the Rat Queen
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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