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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a bixie thorax
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
a bixel hive lookout
a bixel hiveguard
a bixel hivemage
a bixel hiveminder
a bixel honeytrader
a hive queensguard
Captain Tzzz
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Expert]
a bixel hiveguard
a bixel hivemage
a bixel honeytrader
a bixel supplyward
a hive queensguard
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Heroic]
a bixel hive lookout
a bixel hiveguard
a bixel hivemage
a bixel hiveminder
a bixel hivepatroller
a bixel hiveworker
a bixel honeytrader
a bixel supplyward
a hive queensguard
Bzzkill the Honeymonger
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Solo]
a bixel hive lookout
a bixel hiveguard
a bixel hivemage
a bixel hiveminder
a bixel hivepatroller
a bixel hivesmith
a bixel hiveworker
a bixel honeytrader
a bixel supplyward
a hive queensguard
Bzzkill the Honeymonger
Greater Faydark
a Growzzat drone
a Tuwasp forager
a Tuwasp soldier
a Tuwasp wax worker
Tenebrous Tangle
a bzzt bixie attendant
a bzzt bixie defender
a bzzt bixie soldier
a bzzt bixie stinger
a bzzt bixie worker
The Fractured Hive [Advanced Solo]
a bixie drone
a drone drill-sergeant
a honey-tender
a newly-hatched drone
a Queensguard defender
a Queensguard overseer
The Fractured Hive [Heroic]
a bixie drone
a frenzied honey-tender
a honey-guard
a honey-tender
a newly-hatched drone
a Queensguard defender
a Queensguard hivemind
a Queensguard lurker
a royal guard
a royal honey-tender
Queen Meacidaris
The Tower of the Drafling
a bixie diviner
a bixie sentry
a bixie venomguard
a royal bixie confidant
a royal bixie herald
a royal bixie partisan
a royal bixie vizier
an apprentice diviner
The Bixie Diviner
The Tower of the Drafling: Elite Bixie Hive
an elite bixie soldier
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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