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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a royal signet
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Chelsith: The Ancient Vault
a Yha-lei captor
a Yha-lei disciple
a Yha-lei priest
Chelsith: The Ancient Vault [Advanced Solo]
a Yha-lei adherent
a Yha-lei disciple
Cobalt Scar
a mangled ulthork
an assaulting ulthork
an ulthork intruder
an ulthork man-o-war
an ulthork transgressor
an Ulthork transgressor
an ulthork violator
Crystal Caverns: Collapse
a Ry'Gorr miner
Crystalline Breaks
a fragmented Geonid
Eastern Wastes
a Thrael'Gorr despoiler
Forgotten Pools
a corruptive kybur
Great Divide
a Ry'Gorr grunt
a Ry'Gorr soldier
an enthralled Snowfang gnoll
Trokk Curseslinger
Hold of Rime: The Ascent
a fanatical shardhammer
a Forgotten taskmaster
a vigilant nova-vicar
Hold of Rime: The Fortress Spire
a drunk shardhammer guard
Kael Drakkel
a Duhjalm watcher
Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime [Challenge]
a Dhujalm shaman
Siren's Grotto: Tavalan Abyss [Heroic]
a coerced bull Ulthork
the chamber
a Crushbone reaver
The Fabled Clefts of Rujark
a Captive Coin laborer
a Crushbone reaver
a Spiritbound mystic
a Steelslave enforcer
a Steelslave mauler
a Steelslave packmaster
a Steelslave toiler
a Steelslave vanquisher
a Steelslave watcher
The Hole
a shimmering guardian
Underfoot Depths
a stone crusher
a stone trooper
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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