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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
an orcish voidstone
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II]
a Blackhook backbreaker
a Blackhook beast tamer
a Blackhook eagle-eye
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook painstopper
a Blackhook steppesrider
Blackgut the Promised
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic I]
a Blackhook backbreaker
a Blackhook beast tamer
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook skrimisher
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Solo]
a Blackhook backbreaker
a Blackhook barrier
a Blackhook grappler
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook painstopper
a Blackhook skrimisher
Lord Tarinax
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic II]
a Blackhook bloodsponge
a Blackhook bulk
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook kneecapper
a Blackhook longpiercer
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook smithy
a Blackhook taskmaster
Igarn the Insurmountable
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic I]
a Blackhook bulk
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook longpiercer
a Blackhook mesarider
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook smithy
a Blackhook taskmaster
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Solo]
a Blackhook bloodsponge
a Blackhook bulk
a Blackhook kneecapper
a Blackhook longpiercer
a Blackhook mesarider
a Blackhook smithy
a Blackhook taskmaster
Igarn the Insurmountable
Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II]
a Blackhook Bouncer
a Blackhook gutspiller
a Blackhook longtooth
a Blackhook meatshield
a Blackhook painblocker
a Blackhook ridgerider
a Blackhook sharpshooter
Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic I]
a Blackhook Bouncer
a Blackhook gutspiller
a Blackhook longtooth
a Blackhook meatshield
a Blackhook painblocker
a Blackhook sharpshooter
Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Solo]
a Blackhook Bouncer
a Blackhook gutspiller
a Blackhook longtooth
a Blackhook meatshield
a Blackhook nimrod
a Blackhook painblocker
a Blackhook ridgerider
a Blackhook sharpshooter
a Blackhook whipcracker
Sodden Archipelago
a Blackhook deathshade
a Blackhook shadowbane
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic II]
a Blackhook darksiege
a Blackhook deathshade
Blackhook darksiege
Bleakblood the Corpse Blaster
reanimated rabble
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic I]
a Blackhook darksiege
reanimated rabble
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Solo]
a Blackhook darksiege
a Blackhook deathshade
a Blackhook shadowbane
Blackhook darkblade
Blackhook darksiege
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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